Where Drury Lane Got Its Name
The sellers of this storybook cottage wrote a letter about their Summer home. I could not describe it better, so I thought I would share it with you all.
Our family has been summering up in the north woods of Three Lakes for over 94 years. We knew we wanted the tradition to continue with our three sons and fell in love with this cabin in 2001 when the resort decided to sell them to individual owners. Our kids loved it, too. They unplugged and played in their natural surroundings of the lake and woods using their imaginations and camp know-how to make their own fun the same way their grandmother and mother did as children. The kids named their bedrooms “The Boat Room” and “The Fishing Room” and still refer to them when calling dibs.
The Deer Lake Resort is full of history with its original owner, Mr. Drury of Milwaukee, a tire dealer who camped atop the slope near the big rock marking the channel of Big Stone Lake and Laurel Lake. He purchased the property in 1928 on Deer Lake and began building log cabins from timber he felled on the property and surrounding forest and used field stone for the woodburning fireplaces. He rented the cabins for $1.00 a week during the great depression to the officers of the Civilian Conservation Camps overseeing the workers building roads and planting trees in the nearby Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest.
We love the time-worn patina of our cabin originally called “The Pole Cabin” for its unique support beam. Mr. Drury made some of the interior doors using half log and built the unique stair railing from tree limbs. We enjoy the breezes that come up from the lake and the afternoon sun that glistens through the windows and screen porch.
Our day usually starts with a cup of coffee down at the lake with a morning swim or paddle to plan our day. The deck is a nice place to sit and have a drink while grilling dinner or planning where we want to boat on the magnificent Three Lakes-Eagle River Chain of 28 freshwater lakes. I have vivid memories of my grandparents, my parents, and cousins enjoying the lakes. We are so fortunate to have shared these experiences with our children who are now adults and cherish their time spent at the lake with the week of the 4th of July being their favorite.
Many a campfire story and s’more have been enjoyed at our cabin at the Deer Lake Resort. We wish the same for you and your loved ones. Here’s to more happy memories being made at Deer Lake Cabin 10, “The Pole Cabin”.
The Kinzie Family